I teach four year olds in Sunday School. We created this fun (and busy!) rail fence quilt one Sunday. The kids chose from the cut rectangles and sewed three together to create their own blocks using the sewing machine. Our class is all boys and one little girl. As I have always found the boys are just as excited if not more so to use the sewing machine!
The children will take turns taking it home for the week and writing about their experience (well, parents writing) in our journal.
Today a young quilter friend came over and we made crazy quilts using a stack and whack method. They were very different, mine in bright pastels, hers in black/white and bright colors! Here's my effort from today. Now to find just the right border fabric to bring it all together.
I have long admired Mary Lou Weidman's bright pastel crazy quilt, I'm wondering if I could/will finish the quilt if I add appliques on the blocks like hers??
I am a teacher, quilter, scrapbooker, amateur photographer, gardener and now a quilt shop owner! I'm also Nana to eight, Mom to four (seven counting the daughters in law!) and wife to one.