Friday, October 22, 2010

Logo... maybe?

I've been working on the logo for the quilt shop and this is where I am with that project at the end of the day.  What do you think?  Readable? 
We are making progress at the shop, hopefully the flooring soon!  I'm ready to move in the building with fabrics!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Giving Thanks

Several months ago I purchased a fairly large (10 1/2 feet!) curved church pew.  Unfortunately it took a tumble off the trailer and was in a terrible state!  My brother in law worked his carpentry/refinishing magic to put Humpty Dumpty back together again even better than ever.  So, to show my deep appreciation I made him a quilt.  I chose what we call the million squares pattern to represent the million pieces he brought back together to repair this beautiful antique!  Thank you, thank you, Craig!

The pew is destined for the quilt shop so come on down and enjoy it with me!

Snow White

The biggest latest development down at the quilt shop is on the roof!
We had insulation blown on the roof then this snow white rubberized coating.  Hopefully this will keep the electric bills reasonable and eliminate the leaks in the roof!  You should be able to spot us if you are flying over Clyde, wouldn't that be fun?!