The quilt shop has been open for six months now and its been a whirlwind of activity. Ordering fabric... being creative with where to display the fabric when it comes in...keeping up with the Facebook page and web site...creating pattern samples and quilts from the beautiful fabrics for inspiration...planning the classes offered at the shop... planning and preparing for Demonstration Days the last Saturday of each month...and being the custodian, bookkeeper, and other assorted "must do" activities! But what fun!
The numbers of my customers continues to grow. At last count 475 quilters had signed into the guest book/ enewsletter list! Many have become regular visitors to the shop often coming with friends and family.
So if you are reading this blog you might check out the Feathered Star web site and blog or search for "feathered star" on Facebook!
Happy Quilting!
It was an outside day.....................
10 hours ago